CHESS members

Sabrina Habich is postdoctoral fellow at the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna. In October 2013, she completed her PhD at National Chengchi University in Taipei. In her dissertation she researched dam-induced resettlement along the Lancang River in Yunnan Province. Her current project focuses on the role of local cadres in the implementation of China’s water resources strategy.
E-Mail: sabrina.habich [at]

Anna Holzmann is M.A. student of East Asian Economy and Society at the University of Vienna. She holds a B.Sc. in International Business Administration from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien), and a B.A. in Sinology from the University of Vienna. In the course of her studies, Anna spent 1 ½ years abroad in Australia and China (PRC), and gained some work experience in the area of human resource management and marketing. She is currently employed as e-Assistant for Marketing at WU Wien. Her research interests include (e-waste) recycling activities and the handling of natural resources in China, as well as international relations theories, dynamics of regionalism and resource security concerns in East Asia and the greater Asia-Pacific region.

Thomas Immervoll is teaching at the University of Vienna. He studied political science and sinology at the University of Vienna and the Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Dalian, People's Republic of China, and obtained a Magister (M.A., political science) (2009) and a Bakkalaureus (B.A., sinology) (2006) degree at the University of Vienna. His research interests are climate change policy, environmental movements and political debates in China.
E-Mail: thomas.immervoll [at]

Julia Marinaccio graduated with a BA and MA in Chinese Studies from the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna in 2007 and 2009, respectively. After her graduation she pursued further studies in Taiwan and completed an MA in Political Science at the National Chengchi University in Taipei in 2013. Upon her return to Austria she embarked on a PhD project focusing on capacity building in the Chinese bureaucracy. She is currently holding a research and teaching position at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna. In her research she focuses on cadre management and environmental governance in China, and social movements in Taiwan.
E-Mail: julia.marinaccio [at]

Benjamin Steuer is a doctoral candidate in Chinese Studies. He obtained MA degrees in Chinese Studies and East Asian Economy and Society. Using institutional and evolutionary economic approaches, his current research focusses on the evolution of socio-economic structures in the People’s Republic of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. His PhD thesis (The Development of the Circular Economy in the People’s Republic of China) sets a major focus on the treatment and recycling of wastes as well as on Cleaner Production strategies adopted by the public and private actors. Mr Steuer holds courses on China’s Circular Economy at the University of Vienna and works as a researcher at the Institute of Waste Management of BOKU University, Vienna.
Email: benjamin.steuer [at]
Affiliate Members

Constantin Holzer pursues his Phd in East Asian studies and Economics at the University of Vienna and Renmin University of China, focusing on ‘Environmental consciousness of Chinese entrepreneurs’. He graduated with a Master’s degree in International Political Economy from Beijing University, and with a Diploma from the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. Since then, Constantin has been based at Renmin University and the University of Vienna, working as a research assistant and lecturer, and pursuing his Phd studies. He has always been dedicated to "China and the environment", co-organized the first "China Low-Carbon Youth Forum" (中国青年低碳论坛) at Renmin University of China and took part in writing the "Renmin University Low-Carbon Development Report". Currently, Constantin also serves in the Exco of the ASEFUAN (Asia-Europe-Foundation-University-Alumni Network), an international non-profit organization working for promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Asia and Europe.
Email: constantin_holzer [at]

Josef Falko Loher is Research Assistant and PhD candidate at the Chair of East Asian Economy and Society. He is currently writing his PhD thesis on urban Climate change Governance in East Asia. His research interests include environmental politics in East Asia and China in particular as well as security politics in (South-) East Asia. Josef Falko Loher received an MA degree in East Asian Economy and Society and a Ba degree in Sinology, both from the University of Vienna. he studied Chiense intensively at leiden University, the Netherlands, and Fudan University, PR China. He spent over two years living and working in China.
Email: josef.falko.loher [at]

Prudence Willats is a doctoral candidate in the department of Anthropology at the University of Vienna. She holds a BA in History from Oxford University, UK and an MA in Global Studies from the EMGS consortium of universities, during which she studied at the universities of Vienna, Leipzig, and Fudan, Shanghai. Her doctoral research explores state-society relations in the PRC through the medium of discourse analysis, with a specific focus on environmental and development discourses amongst Han and non-Han groups in Yunnan province, Southwest China. Ms Willats also works as a Policy Analyst in the fields of governance, health and resilience for the BBC in London.
Email: prudence.willats [at]
Spitalgasse 2
Hof 2, Tür 2.3
1090 Wien